Cosmetic acupuncture before and after photos

Cosmetic Acupuncture Before and After Photos | Qi Medicine Melbourne

At Qi Medicine acupuncture, we are all about results. If you have been thinking about getting laser resurfacing, Botox, fillers, or any other invasive beauty technique, check out some of the before and after photos from our real cosmetic acupuncture clients below.

Over the years we have worked with hundreds of individuals with chronic skin conditions, premature aging, sagging, pigmentation, and acne scarring. Our approach is simple; we work from the inside out, assessing any underlying health concerns that may be affecting the appearance of your skin.

Although cosmetic acupuncture may not be a quick as an injection, unlike beauty therapy alone we can work on a number of health issues simultaneously.

If you suffer from hormonal imbalances, sleep and stress issues, mood, and digestive disorders, you may benefit from the stress-reducing and regulating affects of Chinese medicine.

If you would like to know more about the cosmetic acupuncture service we offer, you can read more on our cosmetic acupuncture page here. 

All the images you see below were taken of real Qi Medicine cosmetic acupuncture clients, by our very own acupuncturists, and have not been tampered with or altered in any way (aside from the addition of a red highlight circle in some images).

Our cosmetic acupuncture before and after photos.

The following pictures are cosmetic acupuncture before and after photos of the mouth lines and neck. 

cosmetic acupuncture cheeks before

Before cosmetic acupuncture

cosmetic acupuncture cheeks after

After six sessions

The following before and after photos demonstrate the appearance of this woman’s skin and fine lines, crow’s feet, brow and frown lines. 

Cosmetic acupuncture before picture 9 sessions crows feet and forehead lines

Before cosmetic acupuncture

Cosmetic acupuncture after picture 9 sessions crows feet and forehead lines

After 9 sessions

The following before and after pictures are of the of the chin, jowl lines, and mouth lines.

cosmetic acupuncture neck before

Before facial acupuncture on the jawline and jowls

cosmetic acupuncture neck after

After eight sessions

The woman in the next photos had suffered acne scarring and also damage from a microdermabrasion treatment. We used skin needling with her in conjunction with cosmetic acupuncture on the mouth and chin.

Before treatment- acne scarring on the chin

After eight sessions

Happy with what you see? then you might want to book in for your initial consultation with one of our acupuncturists.

Ready to book?

Book online here or phone the clinic on (03) 8394 7665 to book your acupuncture treatment today.


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Needing cosmetic acupuncture in Melbourne? We are easy to get to!

Qi Medicine acupuncture in Moonee Ponds: Find us on Google maps here:

Qi Medicine Acupuncture Moonee PondsThe clinic is located at Suite 4, Level 1, 151 Pascoe Vale Rd, Moonee Ponds. (Please ensure you take the ground floor elevator to reach us or level one.)

We provide cosmetic acupuncture Melbourne to the North Western suburbs of Melbourne and are close to Highpoint. Qi Medicine acupuncture is minutes away from Ascot Vale, Essendon, Avondale Heights, Maribyrnong, and Brunswick West. We also service many clients with acupuncture and Chinese medicine in Travancore, Flemington, Aberfeldie, Maidstone, and we are just 10 km from Melbourne city.

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About the author
Dr Sheena Vaughan

Dr. Sheena Vaughan, founder of Qi Medicine in Melbourne, has nearly two decades of experience in traditional Chinese medicine. She is dedicated to helping clients overcome pain and stress, empowering them to take control of their health with compassionate, personalised care.